Monday 19 April 2010 link to my youtube page which contains the video of the roof opening animation

Tuesday 13 April 2010


here is some more work on my rocket

character head re-do

i remade the head for m,y character because i was unhappy with the way it looked before, ere is the start of the re-do.

Thursday 25 March 2010

space rocket re-start

i have started making the basic shape for my rocket, my plans have changed slightly, it will now be slightly more realistic than i first thought and it will also be more of a plane shape, this was too allow me to include a better cockpit in which you could see the character through

Monday 22 March 2010

basement textuirng

i aslo have been carrying on working at the basement scene, i put all the objects into the scene and started with the texturing, i also created a sign for the door at the start of the scene.

living room textures

i added some further modelling to the living room and also began the texturing process of it

basic rocket shape

i have started creating the rocket and i have built out a basic shape, this still needs more work and much more detail to be added to it

rocket image

here is a second image showing the type of style i want my rocket to be, this one involves a cockpit window so that the character can be seen from the outside of the rocket

Sunday 21 March 2010

rocket basic idea

here is an image for the idea of the rocket i had in mind for hte animation, the rocket will be absed on this image

Monday 15 March 2010

camera passes

created too camera passes to show basic movements of camera in the living room and basement scenes. clips can be seen on my youtube page

Monday 8 March 2010

progress work on living room

i started work creating the basic shell for the living room ,blocking in some of the main objects like the television and the sofa and bookcase, this scene will be fairly short so not as much detail will be required as in the basment scene

living room plan

here is the plan i drew for the living room scene

character sketch

here is the original sketch for my character

Friday 5 March 2010

Saw Table

i started work on the basic saw bench which will be used in the animation when the character is cutting up the wood in order to make the rocket.

Monday 1 March 2010

added furhter detail to workbench, just need to texture the scene and this part will be ready to import into the basement scene

i started work on creating the shell for the basement and i added some basic textures to this, i then created the stairs so i could get a feel for the layout of the basement and where everything would fit into it

Monday 22 February 2010

workbench objects

i have added a few extra objects to the workbench scene, including a drawing pad for the part of the animation where the character draws the plans for the rocket, there is still a ot to go in this area

Sunday 21 February 2010

workbench objects start

i have also started to create some more objects for the workbench, this is just a rough start as i try to build up more objects and more of a cluttered feel

characrter test (not fully complete)

i put all the parts of my character together to get a final feel for how it would look, i also put some basic colours onto it to help the feel, i still need to make a few tweaks with toe modeling and connect all the different parts up into one mesh, which shouldn't take too long, i will also be using textures in my final model rather than just the basic colours i have added atm, i am also considering unsing some bump maps on the character too imrpove the look and give some depth but this will need to be researched.

Monday 15 February 2010

mon 15th feb - started creating the basic shape for the workbench for the corner of the basment workshop, placed some spanners on ther to show what it may look like when completed

mon 15th feb - basic head shape completed, spent time making the characters hair trying to keep as accurate as possible to the character sketches.

mon 15th feb - basic underbody is created, have started to model the clothes, started making the jumper to cover the upper body, complete with neck tie and pocket. arms for jumper still need to be added.